The service publishes the Topographic Databases created by different Aggregations in the provincial territory:

- DbT Aggregation of the High Varesotto Mountain Community 2007
- DbT Aggregation Consortium of Seprio 2008
- DbT Varese 2008

Since the data is not the property of the Province of Varese, no download is available in this service.
For a correct use of the web-gis, bear in mind that:
- since the DbT is composed of a very large number of overlapping vector layers, the loading of the video map can last up to 20 seconds or more;
- the map is visible starting from the scale 1: 25.000 but the DbT is optimized at the scale 1: 10.000 or at the upper stairs.

Specifiche tecniche RL

  DbT Aggregation Comunità Montane Alto Varesotto      
  DbT Aggregation Consorzio del Seprio      
  DbT Comune di Varese