In this service some maps of deepening of the PTCP themes are published. These are preliminary study papers of the PTCP final tables, printed in reduced format in the General Report and in the thematic In-depth analyzes, which report the editing methods and the purpose for which they were created. The maps and study maps are organized here for the theme of belonging. To view the list of navigable maps of each theme and the link to the related documents in which they were published, click here. N.B. The view Specialized systems: Polarity and services contains the layers of non-georeferenced supra-municipal services! The location is purely indicative.
Choose a map to start with. Once inside the navigation window you can still view all the available maps, "jumping" from one to the other.

Agriculture - Insights
Landscape - Insights
Risk - Insights
Specialized systems - Mobility and networks
Specialized systems - Polarity and services