In this service the long-distance cycle and pedestrian paths are published, present on the provincial territory.
These routes have been divided into three categories based on the nature of the route:
- cycle and pedestrian paths in its own location for almost the entire route,
- cycle and pedestrian paths on main and secondary roads of easy accessibility
- cycle and pedestrian routes for Mountain Bike, mainly on dirt roads or paths in the countryside or in wooded areas, which also have challenging stretches.

The courses were updated in December 2012, also following the drafting of the "Varese, Tempo Libero nel Verde" Tourist Card, published by the Varese Province Tourism Agency in collaboration with the Territory and Urban Planning Sector and the Heritage and Architectural Heritage Sector. . The same will be updated whenever new routes or changes to existing routes are reported to the Province.
Specifically, the update sources were mainly provided by the route managers: Heritage Sector and Architectural Heritage of the Provincia di Varese, Comunità Montana Valli del Verbano, Comunità Montana del Piambello, Parco Regionale Campo dei Fiori, Parco Lombardo Valle del Ticino, Parco Pineta di Appiano Gentile e Tradate, Parco del Golfo della Quassa, Parco Rile Tenore Olona, Parco Bosco del Rugareto, Parco Valle del Lanza, Parco del Medio Olona, Parco Fontanile di San Giacomo, Parco Valle del Torrente Lura, Parco Alto Milanese, Gruppo Ecologico Club33, Cooperativa Sociale Naturcoop. The CAI has also collaborated in reporting the routes for mountain bikes.

Map of Cycle and Pedestrian Routes